Lent Meditation: Surrendering Distractions (Week 5)

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Over the past few weeks in our Lent Prayer Meditation series, we’ve been embracing Jesus’ invitation to surrender. We’ll wrap up our focus on surrendering in this final practice as we seek to surrender distractions and impure motives.

Leaning into the story of Jesus driving out the merchants who’d set up shop in the temple in Jerusalem, we examine what “merchants” have set up shop in the temple of our hearts.

In the words of Meister Eckhart,

As long as we look for some kind of pay for what we do, as long as we want to get something from God in some kind of exchange, we are like the merchants. If you want to be rid of the commercial spirit, then by all means do all you can in the way of good works, but do so solely for the praise of God…

This is how the temple is cleared: when a person thinks of God and honors him alone. Only such a person is free and genuine.

Quoted excerpts from Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter